The Art of Penetration


The Art of Penetration goes from a technical practice to slowly build up into more and more opposition. Staying very low in numbers throughout the session, The Art of Penetration highlights the technical and tactical skills needed to isolate and penetrate against a defender. Players will learn to read the visual cues of the defender and make decisions faster which can make the telling difference during a match.

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The Art of Penetration



The Art of Penetration Skill Practice- 4 cones set up in a box from the 18 yard box with players set up on each cone. Two mannequins set up 5 yards outside the box.

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Balls start at Cone A and Cone C who play to Cone B and D (diagonally). One ball is played from Cone A to Cone B which triggers the two players (at B and D) to attack the mannequins. They combine to score on goal. The coach gives ideas such as give and go’s and overlaps. Players rotate from A and C to B and D after passing diagonally (follow their pass).

Coaching Points:

  • 1 v 1 attacking- ability to isolate a defender, get the defender off balance and attack with a simple skill
  • Creating 2 v 1’s- ability to isolate 1 defender and exploit the space behind the defender
  • Combination play- use of give and gos, takeovers/ fake-overs and overlaps to beat the opponents



The Art of Penetration Wave Attacks (2 v 1’s)- 30 x 20 yard area set out with 8-10 players per box. Players split into pairs with 3 attacking pairs (in black above) and one defensive pair (red). Two mini gates set at the halfway point on each side (5 yards wide).

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Ball starts at one end with one pair passing back and forth (A) and 1 defender defending (B). The attacking group attempt to combine to go through a gate and pass to the end (C). If the defender wins the ball, they can turn and pass down to the next group to attack (C). Pair C now begin attacking towards pair D.

Coaching Points:

  • 1 v 1 attacking- ability to isolate a defender, get the defender off balance and attack with a simple skill
  • Creating 2 v 1’s- ability to isolate 1 defender and exploit the space behind the defender
  • Combination play- use of give and gos, takeovers/ fake-overs and overlaps to beat the opponents



The Art of Penetration Wave Attacks (2 v 2)- 30 x 20 yard area set out with 8-10 players per box. Two mini gates set at the halfway point on each side (2 yards wide). If possible, put each pair in a different color.

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Ball starts at one end with one pair passing back and forth (A) and another pair defending (B). The attacking group attempt to combine to go through a gate and pass to the end (C). If the defenders win the ball, a new ball is played to pair C at the opposite end. Pair B now become the defensive group with Pair A transitioning to the top.
Progression: play for points. First team to 5 points wins OR team with most points after 2 mins. Incentivize (2 points) for more skill/ combination play

Coaching Points:

  • 1 v 1 attacking- ability to isolate a defender, get the defender off balance and attack with a simple skill
  • Creating 2 v 1’s- ability to isolate 1 defender and exploit the space behind the defender
  • Combination play- use of give and gos, takeovers/ fake-overs and overlaps to beat the opponents



2 v 2 duels. Players set out into teams of 2. 8-10 players per grid. 30 x 20 yard grid.

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Winner stays on. Two teams of 2 start in the grid. First team to score wins or both teams exit after 1.5 mins. Team to score 5 goals wins.

Coaching Points:

  • 1 v 1 attacking- ability to isolate a defender, get the defender off balance and attack with a simple skill
  • Creating 2 v 1’s- ability to isolate 1 defender and exploit the space behind the defender
  • Combination play- use of give and gos, takeovers/ fake-overs and overlaps to beat the opponents