Aerial Balls

[email protected]

Receiving flighted balls, Passing.

30 x 30 yard grid with cones placed as shown.
Players are split into two groups.
Two sets of colored bibs.
One ball for every two players.


One group (yellow) begins the activity in the center of the grid; the other group (red) spreads out around the cones. Players on the cones have a ball each. The yellow group must jog around the inside of the grid then check to a red player. The red player then serves a ball from their hands for the yellow player to receive and get under control. After controlling the ball it is quickly passed back to the original player. Perform for a designated number of serves or for a predetermined period of time.
Serves are varied; to thigh, to chest etc.


  1. The perimeter players move back 10-15 yards and serve the ball from the ground using their feet.
  2. Inside players receive a ball, turn and pass to a new target.

Coaching Points:

  • Constant movement from the inside group.
  • Good quality serves are vital.
  • Control the ball with first touch, pass with second.