Angle the Press


While attacking play and controlled possession continue to have immense importance as the level of play increases, there has also become an increased need for teams to defend strategically, rather than chasing around with no plan to win the ball back. Angle the Press focuses on improving the understanding and ability of a team to make play predictable and press as a team in specific areas of the field which increases their chance of regaining possession.

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Angle the Press Agility Warm up with ball work- 1.5 mins agility followed by 1.5 mins ball work x 4 sets. Multiple stations set up.

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Players start with agility work moving in and out of the cones with quick accelerations and decelerations (A). Movements include high knees, side shuffles and accelerations/ decelerations.
On the whistle, players transition to some short passing combinations with a ball in a triangle (start with a pass and move, then progress to give and gos).

Coaching Points:

  • Speed and agility
  • Accelerations and decelerations- movement preparation for defending
  • Technical repetitions- passing and first touch



Angle the Press – Possession Exercise.  Making play predictable 4 v 1. Four 12 x 12 possession boxes with a 5 x 5 box in the middle. Three teams of 4 are split into four boxes, while the other team is set in the middle of the grid in a 5 x 5 box. 3 mins sets x 3, 2 mins rest.

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One player from each team starts in the 4 boxes. The coach plays a ball in to one box, and one defender from the middle zone can now defend. Once playing 3 passes, the players can switch play to another box. When they switch the ball, a new defender releases from the central box to defend. If the defensive team wins possession, they can dribble out of the box for a point (encourage counter press from the other players).

Progression: After 3 passes, a 2nd defender can come in to create a 3 v 2.

Progression 2: If defensive teams wins it, they play out of the box to another color and there is a new defensive group (team who lost it).

Coaching Points:

  • Make play predictable- cut off a part of the field to make it obvious where the ball is going.
  • Press on cues- 2nd/3rd defender must be ready to press, getting to the player being passed to on their first touch.
  • Real pressure 1 v 1- when attempting to win the ball, follow through with aggression to win the ball.



6 v 6+ 6 Three Team small sided game to 4 goals, 44X44 yard field, 18 field players. Two teams of 6 inside the playing area, one team of 6 on the outside. 5 mins: 2 min x 2 sets.

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Ball starts from the coach, who plays a ball in. When in possession, each team must complete 10 passes and can then attack any of the goals. The team in possession can also use the outside players, but those passes do not count with the 10. Defensive team attempt to win the ball and perform the same task. If the ball is played out of bounds, the team on the outside play a new ball in immediately. Rotate teams each set.

Coaching Points:

  • Make play predictable- cut off a part of the field to force the ball into certain areas of the field (corners) to increase chances of winning the ball back
  • Press on cues- 2nd/3rd defender must be ready to press, getting to the player being passed to on their first touch
  • Real pressure 1 v 1- when attempting to win the ball, follow through with aggression to win the ball
  • Communication- ongoing organization between both teams to ensure the team is cohesive in their defending



8 v 8 Angle the Press- Positional Game. Field split in half with a 5 v 3 + GK in each half. Both CM’s can decide when to enter the opposition half. 5 mins set x 3 sets. 75 x 55.

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Ball starts at either GK with a 5 v 3 + GK with the attacking team with the CM able to enter the opposition half to press (highlighted). The team in possession (red) attempt to play 6 passes before playing into the attacking half to go to goal. The opposition team (black) attempt to win the ball and go to goal immediately. If the ball goes out of the play, the opposition get the ball from their GK. If a goal is scored, that team get a new ball back.

Coaching Points:

  • Make play predictable- cut off a part of the field to force the ball into certain areas of the field (corners) to increase chances of winning the ball back
  • Press on cues- 2nd/3rd defender must be ready to press, getting to the player being passed to on their first touch
  • Real pressure 1 v 1- when attempting to win the ball, follow through with aggression to win the ball
  • Communication- ongoing organization between both teams to ensure the team is cohesive in their defending