Accuracy of passing.
One ball per person.
Grid size should be approximately 70 x 60 yards.
A full half field would be ideal.
For players to get comfortable striking a ball with the inside of the feet for accuracy and utilizing the instep drive over distances.
- Player #1 and#2 stand next to each other to start.
- Player #1 passes his ball forward. The distance does not matter (10-20 yards approximately). Player #2 let’s player #1’s ball come to a complete stop. Player #2 then tries to pass his ball and hit player #1’s ball.
- Every time a player hits his opponent’s ball they collect a point.
- The player that gets three points first wins.
- Players keep alternating passes until one hits the other players’ ball.
- Winners and losers from different groups are paired and repeat the exercise.
- Once players are comfortable with this exercise, allow players to hit the ball as a moving target. At no time are any balls by either player allowed to come to full rest.
- Final progression to direct players to use a specific part of their foot only during that particular game.
Coaching Points:
- Weight of passes
- Timing of the pass
- Accuracy of the pass
- Utilizing instep with inside the foot as well as the outside of the foot