Dave Clarke is currently an Instructor for the US Soccer Federation; in his role as an Instructor he teaches components of the USSF A, B + C Licenses at courses nationwide. Dave also performs the role of Licensing Director for the State of Connecticut. For the past 17 years Dave has held the position of Head Coach at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. Dave also holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and currently writes articles on the latest soccer developments for several successful journals and websites. Dave is a regular contributor to SoccerSpecific.com.
The following session aims to develop an understanding of the roles within small groups and how these smaller group roles carry over to the larger 11v11 game. Defensive principles are introduced and reinforced throughout the session. Session begins with small group 3v3+1 to illustrate and coach the principles of ‘Pressure / Cover / Balance’. These same principles are reinforced within the 6v6 and 8v7 activities.
Session finishes with a 9v9 game.
Supply of balls, cones, bibs, etc. Players organised in groups of 3 – group by position (11-9-7, 11-8-3, 3-5-8, etc). Support players (S) at each end of playing area. Game is directional. Area: 30×20.

Team in possession looks to score by dribbling in possession across the opposition’s end line. Emphasis is on defending team: Introduce concept of Pressure-Cover-Balance, 1st-2nd-3rd defending.
Short blocks – 45sec – 1min
Coaching Points:
- Nearest player to ball (A) = Pressure
- Covering player (B) takes position to offer immediate defensive support while still being aware of opponent(s)
- Balancing 3rd defender (C) – take position to cover teammates, fill space to close passing lanes while still being aware of opponent(s) position
Supply of balls, cones, bibs, etc. Area: width of the 18, half way to 18. 3 small goals on each end line. Two teams – grouped by position (11-9-7, 6-10-8) play 6v6.

6v6 game / 6 goals – teams can score in any of their opponents 3 mini-goals. Emphasis is on Defensive organisation; Concept of Pressure, Cover, Balance
Blocks of 3min
Coaching Points:
Nearest player pressures the ball, second player helps pressure or gets ball side-goal side to provide cover
Stop opposition playing forward – force back
Take away forward passing lanes to the three goals
Supply of balls, cones, bibs, etc. Half field, fullsize goal to three small mini-goals on halfway line. Two teams – group by position Play 8 v 8 (GK+7). Addition of Fullbacks (2, 3) for Defensive team (black).

8v8 game / 6 goals – teams can score in any of their opponents 3 mini-goals. Emphasis is on Defensive organisation; Concept of Pressure, Cover, Balance
Blocks of 4-6 min
Coaching Points:
- Nearest player pressures the ball, second player helps pressure or gets ball side-goal side to provide cover
- Stop opposition playing forward – force back
- Take away forward passing lanes to the three goals
- Focus on relationship with players around the pressing player
- When we win the ball can we counter and score
Full field (or adjust size as needed). Two full goals. Two teams play 9v9. Defensive team in 1-2-3-3 formation (no central defenders).

9v9 game game. Emphasis is on Defensive organisation; Concept of Pressure, Cover, Balance.
2×8 min
Coaching Points:
- Nearest player pressures the ball, second player helps pressure or gets ball side-goal side to provide cover
- Stop opposition playing forward – force back
- Take away forward passing lanes to advanced players
- Focus on relationship with players around the pressing player
- When we win the ball can we counter and score