Develop Your Combination Play – Dave Clarke / USSF Instructor


Passing, Ball Circulation, Buildup, Movement – whatever the terms you choose – are all vital components of maintaining possession. Teaching players to combine with each other in various situations is a key element of team play: can your players combine quickly to evade opponents, can they combine to create scoring chances in tight spaces, do they have an understanding of the how / when / why of successful combination play??

The following activities aim to develop the understanding and execution of combination play in various game-related situations.

The following session was submitted by Dave Clarke – a session he has used on USSF licensing courses.

Dave Clarke is currently an Instructor for the US Soccer Federation; in his role as an Instructor he teaches components of the USSF A, B + C Licenses at courses nationwide. Dave also performs the role of Licensing Director for the State of Connecticut. For the past 17 years Dave has held the position of Head Coach at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. Dave also holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and currently writes articles on the latest soccer developments for several successful journals and websites.



Activity 4+2 / 4+2. Area 20×20 or 25×25. Two teams of 6 players in coloured bibs. 4+4 in middle with 2 targets per team on the outside. 2 balls per team to start, then 1 ball per team; then 1 ball for competitive game.

Diagram A



Each team starts with 2 balls. 4 players on the inside pass and move and combine with their two teammates on the outside.

Progression 1: Two target players switching with passer.

Progression 2: Make competitive – teams maintain possession.

Coaching Points:

  • Head up – scan the playing area
  • Side foot and outside of the foot passes
  • Pace on the ball
  • Movement off the ball
  • Travel as the ball travels
  • Angles of support



5v5+2.  Area 30×20 or 35×25 with 5 yard zone at each end. Two teams of 5 in coloured bibs. Two target players (T) – one in each end-zone.

Diagram B



Team in possession looks to keep the ball by using the advantage of the two target players – this creates a 7v5 situation.

To score; team must combine with both Target players in the same possession.
Play is continuous.

Coaching Points:

  • As previous warmup Coaching Points
  • Three man combinations
  • Quality of support; two players every time
  • Play the way you are facing – avoid turns into trouble
  • Go back to go forward (layoff for teammate to play forward)



7v7 in 3 zones. (3x penalty area and the width of the penalty area). Ball starts with same Goalkeeper each time. 1-2-3-1 formation or 1-2-2-1 formation with one ‘Floater’ (F) per team allowed to play in any zone.

Diagram C



Same team starts the play every time. Keeper serves to one of the defenders.

When the ball goes into the next zone 1 player must support looking to combine with team mates – In the Diagram: Player (3) has advanced into the central zone to combine and create a 4v3.

Progress by Goalkeeper serving to Midfield, to Forward.

Play is continuous.

Coaching Points:

  • As previous Coaching Points
  • Recognition of where to pass the ball
  • Timing of the supporting runs
  • Possession and combination play is a means to an end – penetration, shot, goal etc.



7v7 game.  70×50 area or half way line plus 10-15 (depending on age/ability).  1-3-2-1 v 1-3-2-1.  No restrictions.  Offside in effect.

Diagram D



Normal laws of game apply.  Try to use all the technical and tactical points worked on previously – in real game conditions.

Coaching Points:

  • As previous Coaching Points
  • Focus on all the previous coaching points.
  • Encourage players to play under game-pressure.