Andrew Sparkes is currently the U21 Goalkeeper Coach/Head of Academy Goalkeeping at Swansea City AFC . Previously Andrew was the U23 Goalkeeper Coach/Head of Academy Goalkeeping at New York Red Bulls. Sparkes does an incredible job of developing, mentoring, and establishing a great culture at Swansea City with his youth goalkeepers. He presented this session, Distribution and Shot Stopping, at the 1st Annual International Goalkeeper Coaches Conference earlier this month.
Sparkes collected data from his Swansea youth games and it quickly became clear where his focus for training should be. These percentages represent the breakdown of actions in a match over an entire season. You will find this session to be very useful and it should spark many new ideas for your coaches. From a goalkeeping perspective, are you focusing on the right components of the game at the younger ages?
30% shot stopping
2% crosses
5% thru balls
63% distribution
14% shot stopping
8% crosses
11% thru balls
67% distribution
Learn more and Follow Andrew Sparkes via the links below!
Twitter: @andrewsparkes1
Distribution and Shot Stopping
1. Boxes 3V1/4V1
6X6 yard box, 4 players on the outside, 1 GK in the middle.
Players on the outside have to keep the ball away from the goalkeeper in the middle. Players on the outside can use; only 1 touch/ up to 2 touches. If the goalkeeper in the middle wins the ball, he is replaced by the player on the outside who lost possession.
Coaching Points:
Enhance the GKs technical ability with the ball at their feet over various distances and situations.
2. Activation Inc SAQ
4 lines of cones leading into a 6X6 box.
4 GKs perform specific footwork on each of the cones, once in the box the GKs must keep the ball up between them until the ball touches the ground. The GKs move onto a different line of cones and repeat the process.
Coaching Points:
Enhance the GKs technical ability with the ball at their feet over various distances and situations.
3. Distribution Progression 1
The pitch is split into 2 halves and numbered 1 and 2 and four target areas are placed in each half. One player is in each half with a third player numbered 3 is positioned at the top of the area.
The goalkeeper faces his goal while the players in each half move to a target area. Once the coach shouts a number 1,2, or 3 the GK must turn around and distribute the ball in the area where the player in that half is standing. The GK must use the correct technique for the type and distances of the pass.
Coaching Points:
Scan and recognize options early to find the correct option when playing out. Have the ability to stay calm and make effective decisions when playing out.
4. Distribution Progression 2
The pitch is split into 2 halves and numbered 1 and 2 and four target areas are placed in each half. Two players are in each half with a third player numbered 3 is positioned at the top of the area.
The GK now must start by passing the ball to player number 3. As the GK passes the ball to number 3, the other players change their position from one target area to another. When 3 passes the ball back to the GK he calls 1 or 2, the GK must then scan for the player 1 or 2 and distribute the ball into that area. Pressure from player 3 can then be added to make it more difficult.
Coaching Points:
Scan and recognize options early to find the correct option when playing out. Have the ability to stay calm and make effective decisions when playing out.
5. Distribution Progression 3
The pitch is split into 2 halves and numbered 1 and 2 and four target areas are placed in each half. Two players are in each half with a third player numbered 3 is positioned at the top of the area.
Player 3 can either receive the ball to start the move off or call 1 or 2. The GK must play the ball into the number called, before making an angle and receive the ball back, before looking to pass the ball into the other number. Players 1 and 2 must look to change their position after each ball. Pressure from player 3 can be added to make it more difficult.
Coaching Points:
Scan and recognize options early to find the correct option when playing out. Have the ability to stay calm and make effective decisions when playing out.
6. Handling
Goalkeeper is situated on the 6 yard line, server is 6-10 yards away.
The server volleys/half, volleys/strikes from the ground into the goalkeepers hands. The GK then rolls the ball into alternate small goals. The GK faces 8 balls in total, the GK then half volleys the ball into the goals using the side foot.
7. Shot Stopping Progression 1
2 GKs are situated on the 6 yard line, server is 8-12 yards away.
The server plays a low ball to GK1’s right. GK1 then saves the low ball and once in control leaves the ball on the ground, GK2 then comes from behind GK1 to pass the ball in the small goal. GK2 then sets for a low ball to the left, GK2 passes into the opposite goal. The process is repeated 4 on both sides.The server plays a low ball to GK1’s right. GK1 then saves the low ball and once in control leaves the ball on the ground, GK2 then comes from behind GK1 to pass the ball in the small goal. GK2 then sets for a low ball to the left, GK2 passes into the opposite goal. The process is repeated 4 on both sides.
Coaching Points:
Develop the GKs ability to be set and balanced in and ready for a shot after his initial starting position. Improve the GKs recovery position/positioning in and around the goal.
8. Shot Stopping Progression 2
Two, 5 yard goals are set up next to each other. Two servers are 18 yards away.
The GK starts in one of the goals and ready for a shot. The coach calls number 1 or 2, the GK must then move into line with that server. The server then strikes the ball, unless the coach calls the opposite number, forcing the GK to change direction and face a shot from the other server. If the GK catches the ball, he then rolls or passes into the small goal.
Coaching Points:
Develop the GKs ability to be set and balanced in and ready for a shot after his initial starting position. Improve the GKs recovery position/positioning in and around the goal.
9. Shot Stopping Progression 3
A 5X5 box is marked out with poles (4 goals). Four servers facing a goal are placed 10-15 yards away.
The servers must pass the ball between themselves looking to move the GK around. The GK can move through the box when following the ball, at any time one of the servers can shoot at the goal he is facing. If the GK catches the ball, he must roll the ball to another server to start again.
Coaching Points:
Develop the GKs ability to be set and balanced in and ready for a shot after his initial starting position. Improve the GKs recovery position/positioning in and around the goal.
10. Shot Stopping Progression 4
One GK in the goal, 3 players up to 25 yards away from the goal.
The coach passes the ball from the top of the area to the GK. The coach then puts pressure on the GK, the GK must then distribute the ball to one of the players. The players on the edge of the box then combine with each other and then shoot on goal.
Coaching Points:
Develop the GKs ability to be set and balanced in and ready for a shot after his initial starting position. Improve the GKs recovery position/positioning in and around the goal. Have the ability to stay calm and make effective decisions when playing out.