The ability to operate in tight congested areas is a requirement in modern soccer; the best players find a way to create space/time for themselves even when under heavy pressure from opponents – this ability to create / find space + time must be coached in various scenarios.
The term ‘1v1’ is used many times to describe a situation where an Attacker is running head-on at a Defender with the aim of dribbling towards space / the goal. This, however, is only one aspect of 1v1: there are 1v1 situations with pressure / opponent in front, pressure from the side, pressure from behind. The reality is during the game many times a player must receive a pass with an opponent behind or to the side – players must learn to find space/time in this situation!
The following activities emphasize the components of ‘Receiving + Turning’ under various degrees of pressure from behind / side. Players must learn to become comfortable in possession + receiving passes even when under pressure.
The warm-up phase begins in an un-opposed situation in order for players to understand the movements + various body positions to successfully receive passes. The activities finally progress to a fully competitive 2v2 situation.
*In the coming weeks we will share ideas on developing 1v1 Domination with opponent in front.
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Players organised in groups of 6; Players (A) act as Servers, Players (B) are positioned centrally next to two Mannequins as shown; Players (C) wait to rotate into the activity.

Player (B) must move diagonally away from the Defender (mannequin) to receive a pass from Server (A); on receiving the pass Player (B) must pass to the opposite Player (A).
Play is continuous for 30sec-1min then rotate central / Server positions.
Coaching Points:
- Receiving Player:
- Move at angles – no straight lines
- Receive in half-turned body position
- Verbal / non-Verbal communication with Server
- Opposite movement: check away then towards the ball.
- Passing Player:
- Moment / Direction / Speed of pass
Players organised in groups of 6; Players (A) act as Servers, Players (B) are positioned centrally next to two Mannequins as shown. Players (C) wait to rotate into the activity.

Player (B) has moved diagonally to receive the pass; he has received in a half-turned position which enables a quick turn forward.
Players (B) can move to either side of the Mannequin to receive the pass.
Play is continuous for 30sec – 1min then rotate the central players.
Coaching Points:
- Receiving Player:
- Move at angles – no straight lines
- Receive in half-turned body position
- Verbal / non-Verbal communication with Server
- Opposite movement: check away then towards the ball.
- Passing Player:
- Moment / Direction / Speed of pass
Players organised in groups of 6; Two groups of 3 Players as shown.

Players (A) move freely in the central (shaded) area; Players (A) must move to receive passes from the perimeter players / turn quickly + pass to the opposite perimeter teammate.
The presence of the other central (A) player forces players to check for space and to better co-ordinate the timing / direction of their movements to receive passes.
Play is continuous for 45sec-1min then rotate central / Server positions.
Coaching Points:
- Receiving Player:
- Move at angles – no straight lines
- Receive in half-turned body position
- Verbal / non-Verbal communication with Server
- Opposite movement: check away then towards the ball.
- Passing Player:
- Moment / Direction / Speed of pass
Players organised in groups of 6 – two Target players (T) at each end of the grid 4 Players centrally; Two players (A) designated as Receivers.

Players (A) must move to receive passes from the Target players – emphasis is on receiving / turning / passing under various degrees of pressure from the opponent. The Defenders (Yellow) are instructed to offer semi-passive pressure at the beginning as well as vary their movements – tight pressure at times, back away at times; allow the Receiver to ‘feel’ various degrees of pressure.
Play is continuous for 45sec-1min then rotate central / Target positions.
Coaching Points:
- Receiving Player:
- ‘Feel’ the pressure – time to turn? Pass back one-touch?
- Move at angles – no straight lines
- Moment / Direction / Speed of movements are now crucial.
- Receive in half-turned body position if possible.
- Use of disguise / feints / various turning techniques to avoid opponent.
- Verbal / non-Verbal communication with Server
- Opposite movement: check away then towards the ball.
- Passing Player:
- Moment / Direction / Speed of pass
Players organised in groups of 6 – two Target players (T) at each end of the grid and 2v2 centrally.

Players compete centrally in a 2v2 scenario; emphasis is on receiving / turning in congested areas using various techniques.
Example: in the Diagram, Player (A) cannot turn due to pressure from the Defender; Player (A) decides to pass back to the Target player; Immediately Player (B) pulls off the shoulder of his Defender to receive a diagonal pass to feet – this enables a quick turn into space.
Play is continuous for 45sec-1min then rotate central / Target positions.
Coaching Points:
- Receiving Player:
- ‘Feel’ the pressure – time to turn? Pass back one-touch?
- Move at angles – no straight lines
- Moment / Direction / Speed of movements are now crucial.
- Receive in half-turned body position if possible.
- Use of disguise / feints / various turning techniques to avoid opponent.
- Verbal / non-Verbal communication with Server
- Opposite movement: check away then towards the ball.
- Passing Player:
- Moment / Direction / Speed of pass