Fitness For Football


Steve Harvey holds a first degree in Sport Studies from Northumbria University, gained a PGCE and MSc from prestigious Loughborough University. Currently he is in the final year of a PhD program in Sport Pedagogy at Oregon State University. Steve coached Loughborough University Women’s soccer team in England for 2 ½ seasons winning the British Universities Tournament.

Recently he completed the English Football Associations Fitness Trainers Award, and also hold the UEFA ‘B’ and USSF ‘B’ coaching licenses.

The following activities are sample workouts that can be incorporated into a well-rounded training regimen.

Activity #1:

A Moderate Intensity Level Functional (position specific) Plyometric Drill to develop horizontal power.

Physiological Aim:

Activate football specific ‘stretch-shortening cycle’, enhancing player’s anaerobic power.

Technical Aim:

Improve finishing skills and reaction to a football specific stimulus. Improve around the box and within the box movement.


  • 2 Flags
  • 6 cones
  • Stopwatch
  • 15-20 soccer balls
Diagram A
Diagram A

Description of Activity:

Player’s A and B start at the first cone and sprint to the second cone, but are held at the waist by the player directly behind them (C and D). About 2/3 of the way to the second cone, players C and D let go of players A and B and at the second marker players A and B turn 90 degrees and back pedal to the flag located on the edge of the 18-yard box. They use quick feet around the pole and then attack the near post for a cross from players G and F. Players A and B then go to feed the cross and when they have done this go back to the start of the practice. The player who held players A and B then repeat the practice.

Work: Rest:

Work: Rest ~ 1: 5 (each rep should take about 10 seconds, so the required rest is performed until the next rep).The coach will allow 15 seconds for each player and calls when the next player is to set off so maintains the work rest ratio.
Each player performs 1 set of 6 reps (3 each side) with 20 ground contacts being made on each run when being held, so this will give 120 ground contacts for this set.This is built up to 2 sets of 5 and there will be about 200 ground contacts when this is taken into consideration.
No GK’s used so both sides can work at once.


(1) Increase to 2 sets of 5 reps.
(2) Vary type of cross, e.g. driven, high etc. Players entering box can choose which marker to attack near or far and perform a switch play. Then a defender could be added.

Additional Information:

Players should remain active during the rest (2 minutes between sets) and include feeding, jogging, skipping, soccer specific movements aiming for a HR ~ 70%MAX.

Mechanical Coaching Points:

  • Foot contact – short (minimal amortisation phase)
  • Foot dorsiflexed on ground contact.
  • Low body position when setting off to sprint.
  • Keep balanced as move round the diamond.
  • Light on the feet, on balls of feet.
  • Increase awareness through use of different stimuli.

Activity #2:

A Moderate Intensity Level Functional Plyometric Drill for an individual player without a ball.

Physiological Aim:

Activate football specific ‘stretch-shortening cycle’, enhancing player’s anaerobic power.

Technical Aim:

Centre of Gravity on double leg two footed jumps. Minimal amortisation phase.


  • 4 cones
  • 4 flat markers
  • Stopwatch
Diagram B
Diagram B

Description of Activity:

Player starts in the centre of the square shape. 4 tall marker cones are placed at points 1, 2, 3 and 4. The player completes two footed jumps landing near any of the points of the square shape (to front, back and side) and in any order. When the coach calls a number (1, 2, 3, or 4) then the player lands off the jump and reacts to the coach’s call and sprints to the numbered cone. The player then returns to the central square after an active recovery phase including, jogging, skipping, and soccer specific movements aiming for a HR ~ 70%MAX.

Work: Rest:

Work: Rest ~ 1: 5 (each rep should take about 15 seconds, so the required rest is performed until the next rep).
Each player performs 1 set of 6 reps jumping two footed to the marker cones in the diamond shape for a total of 8 – 12 ground contacts per rep for the jump (the coach must call the number between the 8 – 12 jumps). Therefore 48 – 72 ground contacts will be made in the jumps. This is built up 2 sets of 5 reps for a total of 80 – 120 ground contacts. The sprinting will also incorporate ground contacts of 6 – 10 per rep, this will give a total of 36 – 60 per set of 6 reps and 120 – 150 for the 2 sets of 5 reps. Total ground contacts will therefore be 84 – 132 for 1 set and 200 – 270 for the 2 sets of 5 reps.


(1) Increase to 2 sets of 5 reps.
(2) Vary stimulus for sprint.
(3) Vary type of movement to the numbered cone, i.e. back pedal to point or vary the run, e.g. make it a zigzag run, or touch 2 points on the sprint (but ½ the distance, e.g. 2 sprints of 5m).
(4) Use weighted vest.

Additional Information:

Players should remain active during the rest (2 minutes between sets) and include feeding, jogging, skipping, soccer specific movements aiming for a HR ~ 70%MAX.

Mechanical Coaching Points:

  • Foot contact – short (minimal amortisation phase)
  • Foot dorsiflexed on ground contact.
  • Low body position when setting off to sprint.
  • Keep balanced as move round the diamond.
  • Light on the feet, on balls of feet.
  • Increase awareness through use of different stimuli.

Activity #3:

Functional anaerobic drill for an individual player.

Physiological Aim:

To improve the ability to sustain exercise at high intensities.

Technical Aim:

Improve shooting skills when fatigued and turning and changing direction skills.


  • 12 soccer balls
  • Stopwatch
  • Gks (if none, use targets in goal)
  • 10 cones
Diagram C
Diagram C

Description of Activity:

Player starts in position on the centre line. S/he sprints out to the first ball (No.1) and then dribbles in and shoots it before the 6 yard box. S/he the returns for the next ball (No.2) etc. During the rest periods between reps players need to actively recover by jogging, stretching and performing soccer specific movements.

Work: Rest:

Work: Rest ~ 1: 3, with maximal effort. This practice should take 40 – 60 seconds and therefore the appropriate rest should be given to the above ratio.
Players will perform 1 set of 4 reps to start with to ensure quality of movement before progressing. Players can then progress to 2 sets of 3 – 4 reps (active recovery between sets and reps, 70%MAX). During the rest periods between sets (2 minutes) and reps players need to actively recover by jogging, stretching and performing soccer specific movements.


(1) 2 sets of 3 – 4 reps.
(2) A longer distance to return for the ball/more balls to shoot to make the drill length in terms of time 60 seconds

Additional Information:

Active recovery, incorporates jogging on the spot, stretching and feeding for other players, aiming for a HR ~ 70%MAX.

Mechanical Coaching Points:

  • Use of head when turning/direction change.
  • Turn feet in direction you want to go before landing.
  • Strong-arm action.
  • Upright, straight torso once into running action.
  • Stride out (large angles of hip flexion. leg extensionand flexion).
  • Foot dorsi-flexed on ground contact.