Focus On Finishing

Dave Clarke is currently an Instructor for the US Soccer Federation (USSF); in his role as an Instructor he teaches components of the USSF A, B + C Licenses at courses nationwide. Dave also performs the role of Licensing Director for the State of Connecticut. For the past 17 years Dave has held the position of Head Coach at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. Dave also holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and currently writes articles on the latest soccer developments for several successful journals and websites. Dave is a regular contributor to

‘Finishing’ is a quality that must be developed in realistic game-like scenarios if players are to become proficient under the pressure of full match conditions. The following session and progressions will allow your players to face realistic scenarios under various degrees of pressure from opponents.

*The following session was prepared by Dave for a recent US U-14 National team training camp



Two teams of 4: each player with a ball and each numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. Two full-size goals with keepers.

Diagram A
Diagram A


Players dribble freely in the central area.
Coach (C) calls out a player number; the two players must immediately attack their opponents goal and attempt to finish / score in the attacking zone. In the diagram; Coach has called “three” – both number-3’s have dribbled into the attacking zone to score.

Progression: 1 ball between the same numbered players, go 1v1 to opponents goal.

Coaching Points:

  • Head up – awareness of keeper’s position
  • Shot selection, surface used, foot selection, location of finish, composure

Ideas: pace, far post, across keeper, through legs, toe poke, around keeper, over keeper, deception



Two teams of 4: each TEAM with 1 ball. 3 Players positioned in the central zone / 1 Target Player positioned in the Attacking zone as shown. Two full-size goals with keepers.

Diagram B
Diagram B


Teams pass and move in central zone; teams complete a designated number of passes (2, 3, 4 etc), then play into Target (T), 1 player supports the pass by running forward into the Attacking zone – Player must attempt to finish/score.

Play is continuous.

Progression: Play 3v3 in middle zone, look to play into target and combine for finish, defender can track runner.

Coaching Points:

  • Vision to find target
  • Lay off from target – texture
  • Support run – speed, timing, location, adjust to finish
  • Awareness for rebounds

Ideas: Deception to play target, creativity of target player, creativity in the finish, pull back.



Two teams of 5 + Gks. 3v3 in Central Zone with 1v1 in attacking zones.

Diagram C
Diagram C


Teams compete for possession in the Central zone; Players must look to pass forward to their Target player – 1 player must break forward to support the Target player in the attacking zone and attempt to score; Target player may also choose to turn and finish.

Progression 1: Defender can make recovery run into attacking zone.

Progression 2: Add a second supporting attacker into attacking zone to create overload (3v2+GK) and additional options.

Coaching Points:

  • As above
  • Adjust for recovering defender – pressure from behind, communication from support player(s), alive to pull back, rebounds, etc.



Two teams of 5 + Gks. Normal rules apply. Offside zone in effect.

Diagram D
Diagram D


Teams compete for possession and attempt to score in their opponents goal.

Play is continuous.

Coaching Points:

  • As above
  • Game application
  • Take responsibility – want to score
  • No ugly goals