Pass And Move


Michael Thomas is currently studying National Diploma in football studies at Myerscough College. Michael is a coach with the Everton Foundation and a scout for the Everton Academy.

Activity #1:

Set Up:

Players get into a circle and space themselves out so they aren’t touching each other.
During this session I used 12 players

Diagram A
Diagram A


Players perform stretches on the spot (Dynamic) bouncing on there toes, in between stretches, ankle taps, high knees, volleys, over the gates. On command shout 1 for a bunny hop and 2 is a header . Players to be on their toes at all times on command GO the players sprint out 10 yards an sprint back into circle

Coaching Points:

  • Always alert and on toes!

Activity #2:

Set Up:

Progression from previous activity. 1 ball between 12 players.

Diagram B
Diagram B


One player starts of with the ball and passes it to any player and follows there pass
One player starts of with the ball and passes it to any player recieves it back and then passes it to a player either side of the 1st player they passed it to.

Coaching Points:

  • All players on there toes
  • Good quality passing and movement
  • Maintain high tempo
  • Communicate at all times

Activity #3:

Set Up:

Basic keep ball session. 9 on the outside v 3 players in the middle of the circle. Swap the middle 3 after every minute or if possession is won.

Diagram C
Diagram C


Two touch for players on outside, players must keep possesion of the ball and middle three players must chase down the ball. If they intercept the ball they go out of the circle and the player who lost possesion and the player either side go in the middle.
One touch with the same rules if 15 passes are achieved the two middle players perform star jumps or press ups !!

Coaching Points:

  • All players on there toes
  • Good quality passing
  • Movement side to side
  • Communicate
  • Maintain high tempo

Activity #4:

Set Up:

7 players on outside of the square and 5 in the middle. Players on outside have a ball each.

Diagram D
Diagram D


Players in the middle are constantly working
Players in the middle go and look for a pass from an outside player take 2 touches and pass it back. jog back into the square then explode out to find another pass.
Players recieve a throw and volly it back using the inside of there boot.
Players recieve a throw to the chest then volly back
Players recieve a throw to the thight then volley back
Players recieve a throw to the head and head it back.
Coaching Points:
All players on there toes
Good quality passing and control
Quick burst of pace out of the square after each 1
Maintain high tempo

Activity #5:

Set Up:

In an area 20 x 10, split the players in to 2 teams of 6. Each team player a 4 v 2 possession game.

Diagram E
Diagram E


Players on yellow and Red team must try and keep possesion of the ball, if one of the defenders intercepts the ball then the last person to touch the ball becomes a defender.

Coaching Points:

  • Emphasis on pass and move into space, Players to command the ball
  • Communicate at all times, show which foot you want the ball on (strongest foot), High tempo (Quick movements)
  • Try and split the 2 defenders !
  • Switch the play if possible but try an play across the floor

Activity #6:

Set Up:

6 v 6 + 2GK´s, half pitch practise.

Diagram F
Diagram F


2 touch, extra point if a team manages to put 10 passes together in a 10 minute game.
Progress to no restrictions, normal game rules apply 15 minute game

Coaching Points:

  • Quick movement with and without the ball (High tempo)
  • Encourage swtiching the play as well as short simple passes
  • Maintain possession to make the other team work as they chase the ball
  • Encourage pass and move.