Do your players have the ability to score from distance? Do your players understand how to create scenarios to shoot from outside the box? Do they have the timing + coordination to successfully exploit scoring chances?
Standing in lines and repetitively practicing ‘shooting’ drills unopposed against a static Goalkeeper has little carry-over to real match play. Players must learn to create and execute scoring opportunities in realistic and game-like scenarios. Timing / Coordination of movements as well as Communication is developed in these game-like scenarios = players learn to execute under the pressure of opponents / reduced / space + time.
The following activities aim to develop the ability and encourage players to shoot from distance (outside the box) if the opportunity arises. Neutral ‘Free’ players are utilized in the first activity to ensure a level of success.
Remember to adjust the space / player numbers / restrictions as needed according to the ability of your players!
12 Players + 2 Goalkeepers utilised.
Each half of the playing area has 4v1; in the central (shaded) area 2 ‘Free’ players are positioned – these ‘Free’ players play for the team in possession.

Play begins with a pass from the Goalkeeper to his teammates; one opponent attempts to disrupt the possession. Team in possession must use quick 1 + 2-touch play to circulate the ball – after 5 or 6 passes the players must look to pass forward to either of the ‘Free’ players in the central zone. The Free players must lay the ball back for teammates to execute a shot from distance.
The lone forward in the opposite half must follow up for rebounds from shots.
Game is continuous. If goal is scored the scoring team maintains possession.
Coaching Points:
- Quick ball circulation and movement to maintain possession in congested area
- Timing of movement to run forward to shoot – must delay run!
- Angles of approach to shoot
- Various shooting techniques – inside of foot, driven, curled, etc.
2. Progression #1:
12 Players + 2 Goalkeepers utilised.
Each half of the playing area has Goalkeeper +4v2 (5v2); Free players are no longer required.

Play begins with a pass from the Goalkeeper to his teammates; two opponents attempt to disrupt the possession – the 4 players + Goalkeeper must keep possession (5v2). Team in possession must use quick 1 + 2-touch play to circulate the ball – when opportunity arises the players must look to pass forward to either of the Forward players (#9 / #10) checking into the central zone. The Forward players must lay the ball back for teammates to execute a shot from distance.
The Forwards in the opposite half must follow up for rebounds from shots.
Game is continuous. If goal is scored the scoring team maintains possession.
Coaching Points:
- Quick ball circulation and movement to maintain possession in congested area
- Timing / Coordination of movement of Forward players to receive passes
- Timing of movement to run forward to shoot – must delay run!
- Angles of approach to shoot
- Various shooting techniques – inside of foot, driven, curled, etc.
3. Progression #2:
12 Players + 2 Goalkeepers utilised.
Playing area divided into 3 zones; Goalkeeper+2 v 1 in each end zone / 3v3 in Central Zone.

Play begins with a pass from the Goalkeeper to his teammates; one opponent attempts to disrupt the possession – the 2 players + Goalkeeper must keep possession (3v2). Team in possession must use quick 1 + 2-touch play to circulate the ball – when opportunity arises the players must look to pass forward either into the Central Zone or to the Striker #9 in the other end zone.
Game is continuous. If goal is scored the scoring team maintains possession.
Goals scored within the attacking end zone = 1 goal
Goals scored from Central Zone = 3 goals
*Players from Endzones may move forward into Central Zone to shoot.
**In the Diagram #6 has passed forward to #9; #11 has sprinted into the space to receive the pass + shoot!
Coaching Points:
- Quick ball circulation and movement to maintain possession in congested area
- Timing / Coordination of movement of Forward players to receive passes
- Timing of movement to run forward to shoot
- Angles of approach to shoot
- Various shooting techniques – inside of foot, driven, curled, etc.