Dribbling, feinting and running with the ball at speed
20 x 20 yard grid. Four cones are placed on the perimeter of the grid as shown. A flag is placed in the center of the grid. Players are split into 4 groups and are positioned at each of the cones. One ball per group.
Players (A) from two opposite lines dribble towards the flag, perform a feint and accelerate past the flag to the opposite side of the grid. The flag acts as a stationary defender. The first two players (B) in the other two lines repeat the sequence. The groups alternate in this fashion (two in, two out) for a designated period of time.
NOTE:Players must each go to the same side to avoid collisions, example – both players must go to the right of the flag as shown in the above diagram.
- Coach determines which feint players must use – Dip and Go, Scissors etc.
Coaching Points:
- Push the ball out of your feet.
- Keep eyes up to scan the playing area.
- Accelerate past the defender (flag).
- Communicate with player opposite to leave at the same time.