Use Your Moves

[email protected]


40 x 30 yard grid divided into 10 x 10 yard grids.
Flags are placed to create a mini goal at one end of the grid.
Two sets of colored bibs.
Groups of 4-5 players.


One player starts in the middle 10 x 10 grid and will act as the defender. One player will act as a goalkeeper in the mini goal.  The first player in line will attempt to dribble past the defender in the middle grid before attempting to score in the mini goal.  A shot must be taken from greater than 10 yards from goal.  The attacker then becomes the defender for the next attempt.

Players must use a feint to beat the defender.
Players can attack in pairs to create a 2v1 situation.

Coaching Points:

  • Push ball out in front while moving at speed.
  • Accelerate over the first few yards to unsettle defender.
  • Use feints, deception to elude defenders.