Dribbling and defending
Two teams send out one player into a 15X10 yard grid, with a 2 yard end zone on either side.
The coach dictates the point of attack and serves the ball into the area. The two players compete to win the ball and dribble the ball into the opponent’s two yard zone, and stop it with the bottom of their foot. Once the point is scored, the defender becomes the attacker going the other way. If the ball leaves the grid, then the next ball is served in and two new players compete. The pair of players is changed following a goal or after 1 minute has elapsed. The team scoring the most goals wins the game.
- Increase the size of the grid.
- Increase the depth of the end zones.
- Make it a 2v2 or a 3v3.
Coaching Points:
- Close down your opponent’s space quickly.
- Force the opponent to one side.
- Lower your center of gravity and watch the ball.