Combination Play #1


Shot stopping

The goalkeeper is in goal.  A group of players are positioned around the perimeter of the penalty box with plenty of balls.  Two different sets of forwards are placed inside the penalty area.  Identify them by different colored bibs.


The pairs of forwards alternate repetitions.  One of the forwards checks back, and receives the ball from the players on the outside.  The forward must turn the ball quickly, and play it to his/her partner.  The partner must strike the ball first time on goal.    Repeat with the other pair of forwards.  Play until the exercise runs out of balls and then switch the roles of the players.


  1. Everything is one touch.
  2. The first pass is a dummy and the second forward drops the ball back for a one time finish on goal.

Coaching Points:

  • Cut down the shooter’s angle.
  • Get set for the shot.
  • React, don’t anticipate.