High Balls In Traffic Warm-up


Footwork, dealing with contact, concentration

One goalkeeper starts in goal.
Place two cones 6 yards apart from each other inside the 6 yard box.
Place two players 6 yards in front of the middle of the cones.  The server stands at the top of the 18 yards box with a group of balls.

The goalkeeper must do a figure eight around the two cones and explode forward towards the two players.  The two players stand facing the server, leaving a small gap between the two of them.  The server must throw a high ball that should land right on top of the two player’s heads.  The goalkeeper must explode through the traffic and make the appropriate save.  Repeat for a set of 6-8.


  1. Increase the difficulty of the footwork.
  2. The server can roll the ball or strike a volley at the gap and the goalkeeper must adjust.

Coaching Points:

  • Always attack the ball and be aggressive.
  • Communicate a loud and assertive “keeper” shout.